Proven methods from practice

My methodologically well-founded background

„Success consists in having exactly the skills that are needed at the moment.“

Henry Ford, US-American explorer and automotive pioneer (1863-1947)

Commitment is a necessary prerequisite for success, but it cannot do without well-founded methodology. In order to become effective, however, a read-in methodological knowledge is not sufficient; rather a set of instruments that have been tried and tested in practice and refined over and over again must be created against the background of which management becomes effective.

Methods in action

Crisis prevention

The more consciously you eat and the more purposefully you exercise, the more efficient and robust you will keep yourself. And the more attentive your eye is to physical changes, the earlier illnesses can be diagnosed and the greater the chances of recovery.

Invest in your occupational health. I help you to develop such basic skills for your company as well, in order to remain efficient and resilient.

Intervention, implementation

To reliably eliminate causes of illness, targeted interventions and often lifestyle changes are required.

I help you to relentlessly eliminate the roots of the evil in your company as well and to anchor important behavioural changes in your organisation.