Inspiring quotes about business and management

A good quote can give an important impetus

“Only quotations remain of the majority of the works. Then isn’t it better to just write down the quotes from the beginning?”

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec, Polish poet and aphorist, 1909-1966)

Here you will find witty quotes with some relevance to management topics:

“You don’t discover new parts of the world without having the courage to lose sight of old coasts.”

(André Gide)

“When the winds of change blow, some build protective walls, others build windmills.”

(Chinese wisdom)

“Be the change you want for this world”

(Mahatma Gandhi)

“Of course I can’t say whether it will get better if it changes; but I can say this much: it has to be different if it is to be good.”

(Georg Christoph Lichtenberg)

“Whether you think you can or you can’t, you will definitely be right.”

(Henry Ford)

“Don’t dwell on the past, don’t dream about the future. Focus on the present moment.”


“You don’t see the world as it is, you see the world as you are.”


“At Carnival you mask yourself so you can drop the mask.”

(Gerhard Uhlenbruck)

“Only dead fish float with the current.”


“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one is allowed to do that. We have to go the way ourselves.”


“Be – don’t try to become.”


“Tie two blind birds together; they will not be able to fly even though they now have four wings.”


“If you want to increase your wealth, you should follow the example of bees. They collect honey without destroying the flowers. They are even useful for the flowers. Collect your wealth without destroying its sources and it will become permanent gain weight.”


“If you want to know who you were, look who you are. If you want to know who you will be, look what you are doing.”


“An eye for an eye – and the whole world will be blind.”

(Mahatma Gandhi)

“Don’t just think with your head, think with your whole body.”

(Eckhart Tolle)

“Disappointed with the monkey, God created man. After that, he refrained from further experiments.”

(Mark Twain)

“Success consists of having exactly the skills that are needed at the moment.”

(Henry Ford)

“Wood chopping is so popular because you can immediately see the success of this activity.”

(Albert Einstein)

“When all that is required is obedience and no more character, then the truth goes and the lie comes.”

(Ödön von Horvath)

“People are much more likely to believe a lie that they have heard a hundred times than a truth that is completely new to them.”

(Alfred Polgar)

“Many truths were based on errors.”

(Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)

“Anyone who gives up freedom to gain security will end up losing both.”

(Benjamin Franklin)

“Freedom means responsibility; That’s why most people are afraid of her.”

(George Bernard Shaw)

“A person’s wisdom is not measured by his experiences, but by his ability to have experiences.”

(George Bernard Shaw)

“Doubt is the beginning of wisdom.”

(René Descartes)

“It’s not a little time that we have available, but rather a lot of time that we don’t use.”

(Lucius Annaeus Seneca)

“Times are changing, and so are we.”


“If you stop advertising to save money, you can also stop your watch to save time.”

(Henry Ford)

“A pessimist is someone who knows exactly how sad the world can be, while an optimist comes to this realization every day.”

(Peter Ustinov)

“The optimist declares that we live in the best of all possible worlds, and the pessimist fears that this is true.”

(James Branch Cabell)

“All talk is pointless if trust is lacking.”

(Franz Kafka)

“If someone tells me that their word is as good as their signature, I always take the signature.”

(Alain Delon)

“Loud friends are often quiet enemies.”


“Beautiful women are good for a week, good women are beautiful for a lifetime.”

(Arabic saying)

“The bird prefers a simple branch to a golden cage.”

(Chinese saying)

“The beetle is a sultan in its hole.”

(Egypt saying)

“The light of the stars is only reflected in the quiet pond.”

(Chinese saying)

“Whoever steals an egg also steals a camel.”

(Arabic saying)

“The grass does not grow faster if you pull on it.”

(African saying)

“A dung beetle is a beauty in the eyes of its mother.”

(Egypt saying)

“He who is silent about the truth speaks untruth.”

(Arabic saying)

“We are as happy about a trace of spirit in a man as we are about a few words correctly uttered by a parrot.”

(Saying from Italy)

“You can’t see the future in the rearview mirror.”

(Peter Lynch, American investment advisor; Fonds-Guru)

“You shouldn’t try to predict the future, you should make it possible.”

(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-44), French pilot and author)

“The point is not to predict the future, but to be prepared for the future. Making assumptions about the future means thinking in advance about possible developments and their consequences.”

(Wisse Dekker (*1924), Dutch top manager, AR chairman N.V. Philips Glühlampen)

“Researchers and managers are often blind to the future. They don’t even see what a treasure they have in their hands.”


“Higher than the present is the possibility.”

(Martin Heidegger (1889-1976), dt. Philosoph)

“You only see something where you look, and you only find something where you look.”

(Karlfried Graf Dürckheim)

“Happiness lies not in being able to do whatever you want, but in always wanting what you do.”

(Leo N. Tolstoi)

“Whatever works is permitted.”

(Max Frisch)

“You see things and ask ‘Why?’ but I dream about things and say ‘Why not?'”

(George Bernard Shaw)

“Success consists of having exactly the skills that are needed at the moment.”

(Henry Ford)

“The secret to success is being ready for the opportunity when it comes.”

(Benjamin Disraeli)

“Do not fear hard work, fear empty speeches.”

(Chinese saying)

“What you want to ignite in others must burn within you.”

(Aurelius Augustinus)

“The average gives the world its existence, the extraordinary gives it its value.”

(Oscar Wilde)

“The extraordinary does not happen in a smooth, ordinary way.”

(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

“Management is the most creative of all arts. It is the art of using talent correctly.”

(Robert S. Mc Namara)

“A mighty flame arises from a tiny spark.”

(Dante Alighieri)

“Roads are created by walking.”

(Spanish idiom)

“The only way to motivate people is through communication.”

(Lee Iacocca)

“Man is condemned to freedom.”

(Jean-Paul Satre)

“You are your own limit. Rise above it!”

(Schamsoddin Mohammad Hafes)

“How often the most powerful forces fade away because there is no wind to blow against them.”

(Jeremias Gotthelf)

“You use the present to suppress the past. You push everything into the future in the hope of better times.”

(African observation)