A wide range of consulting services for your company

Wholistically coordinated thinking and acting for sustainable business results

„The extraordinary does not happen on smooth and even paths.“

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet and nature explorer (1749-1832)

The sector- and subject-specific know-how is well developed in most companies. Crucial for success is a bracket that connects everything in a meaningful way and promotes balanced decisions and activities.

My consulting services

Increasing corporate value

I open up new markets for my clients, make companies more innovative, improve their operational performance and increase their flexibility and resilience.

Business intermediation

Together with my team, I mediate business units in the course of strategic adjustments or operational optimisations (carve-outs, feed-ins). And I act as an intermediary for medium-sized companies in the course of business successions.

Business analyses, strategic and implementation concepts and expertises

I prepare methodologically sound analyses, pragmatic implementation concepts and robust restructuring reports with a going concern forecast according to IDW S6 that meet the expectations of commercial banks.

I also prepare company valuations according to IDW S1.