Business analyses, concepts & expert opinions
‘We are drowning in information, but starving for knowledge.’
‘We are drowning in information, but starving for knowledge.’
John Naisbitt
US futurologist (1929-2021)
Whether you need a business analysis as a basis for decision-making, a new strategic concept needs to be developed or a reorganisation report is required – all these tasks stand or fall with an appropriate expert who has the right know-how.
As a management consultancy, we support you in these tasks. We prepare methodologically sound analyses, pragmatic implementation concepts and robust restructuring reports with going concern forecasts based on IDW S6, which meet the expectations of commercial banks. We also prepare meaningful company valuations in accordance with IDW S1.
Our services as experts and analysts
Contact us now for analyses, concepts and expert opinions!
Whether business analyses and concepts, restructuring reports in accordance with IDW S6 or company valuations in accordance with IDW S1 – Dr. Boysen Management + Consulting provides you with the necessary expertise and prepares the corresponding analyses, concepts and reports professionally and promptly. We are also happy to discuss your business challenges with you and offer the right solution.

Dipl.-Ing. Dr rer. pol. Werner Boysen
Dr Boysen Management + Consulting GmbH