Advice for strategic business placement

Preparation and implementation of the placement of business operations

„Act always in such a way that further possibilities arise.“

Heinz von Foerster, Austrian physicist, cyberneticist and philosopher (1911-2002)

There are financial, strategic and operational motives for corporate transactions. In most cases, such projects are of great importance to the players.

Together with my team, I mediate business units in the course of strategic adjustments or operational optimisations (carve-outs, feed-ins). I also mediate medium-sized companies in the course of business successions.

Our services in business intermediation


If you wish to part with parts of your company, we’ll work with you to carve them out of your company in a mindful way and place them in a targeted manner.


If you would like to add skills, market access or technologies to your business, we’ll find the right business units for you, guide them to you and care for the successful integration.

Entrepreneurial succession

Business succession is a complex and emotionally charged challenge in which we support our clients holistically: from the conception to the preparatory activities to the successful business placement and transition phase.

My approach to business intermediation


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