Specialist consultant for spin-off business placement

A spin-off enables focus on the essentials and creates value

„It is more difficult to break free from a bad connection than from a good one.“

Withney Houston, US-Amerian R&B, soul and pop singer and actress (1963-2012)

Not everything that has grown organically over the years really fits together well. If you take a step back and imagine, with a completely open mind, what your business should look like if you were to start it up “greenfield” now, you may find that certain activities should not be carried out at all, but others should be strengthened.

Use this knowledge and set up your company to be structurally appropriate now. Separate yourself from strategically unsuitable or operationally non-value-adding business units and product groups (“spin-offs”) and uncover management potential.

Your challenge

Do you see more management attention tied up in one of your business areas, in one of your product groups or in one of your companies than the prospective contributions from the business?

Is one of your business activities no longer within your strategic focus?

Maybe you have already thought about selling this business activity. In a different economic environment, the business activity that is obsolete for you may create value. It may be a welcome strategic addition or lead to interesting synergies. From the different perspectives, a price level that is attractive for both sides can be derived.

Then you will have the following challenges to overcome:

  • You must make such a decision bindingly,
  • You must cleanly separate the business activity from your organization so that the “amputation” does not leave open wounds nor does the unit become incomplete for prospective buyers.
  • and you must find a suitable and interested buyer for the unit
  • and the transaction must be carefully planned and professionally implemented as a project.

My offer

I would be happy to accompany you with my experienced team,

  • to make a carefully considered decision,
  • to cleanly carve out the unit from your organization “with minimally invasive intervention”,
  • to confidentially identify a suitable buyer who sees added value in the business unit to be sold and signals a corresponding willingness to pay
  • and accompany the transaction through to completion (due diligence, negotiation phase, guarantees)
  • and then – if necessary and desired – to stabilize your business processes again.
  • Throughout the entire process, you can also rely on our professional internal and external communication management (PR).

Case Studies on this topic

Case Studies

Rettung aus der Liquiditätskrise durch Veräußerung von Geschäftsteilen

Die Existenzsicherung steht über Fernzielen. Um nicht "auf einer Bananenschale auszurutschen", müssen manchmal drastische Schritte umgesetzt werden.

Vermarktung wesentlicher Assets einer Spedition

Der Gesellschafter einer Spedition fand sich völlig unerwartet vor einer Insolvenz. bc half ihm mit Kreativität und Umsetzung, persönlich gut aus dieser unverschuldeten Situation herauszukommen.

Abwendung einer Privatinsolvenz durch Asset-Vermittlung

Ein Unternehmer wurde durch einen völlig unerwarteten geschäftlichen Rückschlag aus dem Markt "verbannt". Um eine Privatinsolvenz zu vermeiden, mussten spezifische Assets schnell vermarktet werden. Dabei half bc.

Literature on this topic


Koch, Wolfgang; Wegmann, Jürgen: Praktiker-Handbuch Due Diligence. Analyse mittelständischer Unternehmen

Schäffer Poeschel VerlagStuttgart2002ISBN: 3-791-01850-72

Drukarczyk, Jochen: Unternehmensbewertung

Verlag VahlenMünchen2001ISBN: 3-800-62518-01

Ernst, Dietmar; Schneider, Sonja; Thielen, Bjoern: Unternehmensbewertungen erstellen und verstehen. Ein Praxisleitfaden

VahlenMünchen2012ISBN: 978-3-800-63993-92