Zwei Zahnräder, die ineinandergreifen, als Symbolbild für die komplexen Prozesse der Steigerung des Unternehmenswertes.

Consultancy to increase the value of the company

Profitable growth, stabilisation and sustainable value enhancement

‘Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’ll definitely be right.’

Henry Ford
US inventor and automotive pioneer (1863-1947)

Keep an open mind, think big and be brave to break new ground! We help you to identify opportunities and systematically prepare your organisation to turn these opportunities into real, sustainably profitable business in a timely manner. Based on current and future demand in relevant submarkets and your company’s capabilities, we work with you to crystallise and realise strategically attractive growth markets in which your company can develop profitably.

Whether you want to stabilise your company in uncertain times, manage a restructuring or turnaround or generally make it more profitable: We are at your side with our expertise and support you in effectively increasing the value of your company.

Our services to increase the value of your company


The most important goal of any company is to secure its long-term existence. The better your company is integrated into its markets, the greater its ability to adapt and innovate. In combination with strategic and operational flexibility, this creates the breeding ground for long-term survival on the market. We would be happy to discuss with you the starting points for stabilising your company.

Yield increase

There are sensible ways to increase earnings in almost every company. The only limits are the necessary redundancies that are indispensable for coping with potential risks to the company’s viability. We know how to identify effective profitability levers that will effectively increase your earnings without jeopardising the stability and resilience of your company.

Company reorganisation

Restructuring projects require a combination of stabilisation and increased earnings. The reorganisation can only succeed if it is not limited to short-term financing measures, but if a comprehensive turnaround is implemented at all levels. This is demanding and energy-consuming for everyone involved. We guide your company through the challenging change phase in a streamlined and targeted manner.

Using two levers to increase the value of the company

The enterprise value results from the expected future discounted income that shareholders will receive from the company after taxes. In this respect, it is not only the short-term foreseeable earnings that are important, but above all the reliability of these earnings in the future. If you want to increase the value of your company, the development of earnings is important, as is the resilience of your organisation in its economic environment. We set these two levers in motion to make your company more profitable in the long term.

We ensure the necessary operational efficiency of your company

We look at the operational processes in your company to identify potential for improvement. Cost and performance potential can be discovered and realised in all processes. In particular, it is worth taking a critical look at the consistency of the entire business process. Let us eliminate blind, multiple and incorrect services and smooth out capacities by thinking about your business process from the end: What basic services must be provided in the individual stages of the value chain so that your customers receive exactly what they need, expect and are prepared to pay for? Which additional services would generate enthusiasm among customers for which they would pay a premium price? Which activities that contribute nothing to the customer’s perceived benefit should be omitted? What level of quality is commercially acceptable?

We increase your organisational resilience

Managers generally give too little thought to measures to develop organisational resilience. Yet resilience is important: it gives the organisation resistance to disruptive forces. When difficulties arise, resilient organisations find solutions on their own and stabilise themselves through their organisational agility.

Even in difficult situations, there are always opportunities and possibilities to open up new markets, make companies more innovative, boost their operational performance, increase their agility and thus improve their resilience.

Contact us now to increase your company’s value!

Whether stabilisation, earnings growth or turnaround: we use our practical expertise to effectively increase the value of your company. Do you have any questions or would you like an initial consultation? Then take the opportunity to contact us. Together we will discuss your challenges and initiate the necessary change towards a more profitable company.

Ein Foto des Unternehmensberaters und Interim-Managers Dr. Werner Boysen.

Dipl.-Ing. Dr rer. pol. Werner Boysen
Dr Boysen Management + Consulting GmbH