Upheaval in the German industry

The German economy is no longer growing. Our medium-sized industry is falling victim to the globalization that we ourselves drove decades ago. Other sectors will inevitably follow as soon as industrial value creation declines. Will other developed economies follow as well?

The prosperity we have achieved with comparatively high wages and social benefits is now standing in our way and is in acute danger. As in thermodynamics, we are feeling the global equalization of conditions in communicating systems: With the economic upswing in South East Asia, there are restrictions in this country. The ghosts we called … We are now working hard to counter this obvious and unstoppable development – at the cost of ever-increasing pressure that is even endangering our health. Do we really want to continue fighting this hopeless battle for “more” and “cheaper”, which is taking us further and further away from a natural way of life? This pattern no longer works for us.

Wouldn’t we rather focus on our core skills, creatively and courageously forge our own new paths and shape domains in which we can take the lead again?

Two basic questions are: “What do we really need?” and “How do we meet our needs in a genuine circular economy?”

Two fundamental questions are: “What do we really need?” and “How do we meet our needs in a truly circular economy?” If we focus our thoughts and actions on answering these two essential questions, we will find our way back to quality of life, gain an economic edge and give something back to our world. Let’s stop exploiting natural resources, including our own, and sharpen our senses to the fact that we are part of nature.

The turn of the year is a good time to apply this suggestion to our own areas of influence and to take concrete action.

I wish you a fulfilling New Year!

Werner Boysen, December 2024